Our food service brands

Food service managers are responsible for all functions of the business related to employees, including overseeing staffing and scheduling workers for each shift. During busy periods, managers may expedite service by helping to serve customers, process payments, or clean tables. The Food Service Guidelines policy pdf icon [PDF-290KB]helps to create a healthier food environment at CDC and supports the health and well-being of its employees.

Not only can we connect you with local products, having one of our operational facilities nearby means you can take advantage of any special services they offer. Become a customer Food Service today and find out how we can help your business thrive. Foodservice foods tends to be, on average, higher in calories and lower in key nutrients than foods prepared at home.

We offer a variety of resources that can help food service operators of all experience levels develop their own food safety systems using AMC methods. Our nutrition programs supplement the diets of babies, young children and women with healthy foods, while offering guidance with other needs, including nutrition education and health care referrals. We’re a national corporation but we cater to our local customers and pride ourselves as being a part of the community.

For example, they may arrange for trash removal, pest control, and heavy cleaning when the dining room and kitchen are not in use. Change the social norms to create expectations for healthier food and beverage availability. "Five Star does a super job - we are extremely pleased with their excellent customer service, responsiveness and overall service."

Our design team takes pride in working with the Architect and engineering teams, the general contractor, sub-contractors and the owner on each and every project to ensure that the project is a success. From annual rewards programs to special buys, there’s always something exciting going on. Our web-based online ordering system allows you to place orders, review invoices, and access your account from any computer.


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